Thursday 18 December 2008

do do do do do do dooo dooo dooo (name that tune?)

sorry for the total lack of updates, alas, no internet.

although in other news , i killed my HDD and as a result have lost everything i've ever done in pure data, oooops.

although this means i now have to start afresh, and i have HUUUUUUUUGEx10^MASSIVE plans. stay tuned.


Friday 27 June 2008


i needed to create a huge array of tables in pd. This, for some reason, has become a fairly common activity. So i set about making a tool in c to do this tedious task for me. the only real question is why i didn't use pd to do this.


Saturday 21 June 2008

mac motion sensor-pd perl script

i spent half an hour learning perl once so that i could come up with this. links the motion sensor in any macbook/pro to puredata via a tcp/ip socket. the script is as basic as they come. i should have added the option to change ip address/port but i didn't need it at the time. 

you'll need to google and download amstracker in order to use this. 
